The applicants for the Summer School are expected to have at least a Master's degree in economics and/or econometrics or in relevant subjects with a strong background in economics and currently be engaged in academia. Some may be chosen from outside academia (e.g., government, private sector, NGOs), if they have the minimum academic qualification and relevant experience.
Guillaume Vermeylen, ASSEE 2013
The Summer School was a great experience!
The organization was very good and the quality of the lectures was excellent! Meeting PhD students from such different backgrounds is only feasible during this kind of events. Thanks to the Organizing Committee.
In the description of the course, there is an indication of the background in econometrics, finance, economic theory or other subjects that participants should possess in order to take full advantage of the course. In addition, participants must have a good knowledge of the English language. Your oral comprehension and expression must be sufficient for effective class participation. Your reading comprehension and writting skills must be sufficient for responding clearly and accurately to course assignments.
All these are, however, basic guidelines, and all cases will be considered on their own merits. You do not have to prove that you have met these prerequisites, but you are responsible for ensuring you are adequately prepared for the summer course. Participants will be selected according to the following three criteria:
- Educational background
- Relevance of the ASSEE topic to student's research agenda
- Letter of recommendation
Approximately 30 students will be admitted to the Summer School. We intend to restrict the class size to ensure interactive course and discussion. We aim to create a truly international student body on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students admitted to the Advanced Summer School in Economics and Econometrics are expected to participate fully in the program attending all lectures, computer labs and social events.